Time flies when... You can spend a lifetime & a million verbs to finish that line. Well, I will try to finish my reasoning as to why I've been away almost a month. January has proven to be busy in some ways and S-L-O-W in others.
I met with my counselor today...and I must say it was truly a time spent in the midst of my Saviour. It was such an outpouring of love & tears & pain & forgiveness. (I was poured out & filled up by the time it was over 1 1/2 hours later.)
I remembered things from my childhood that were both tragic & sad; yet God removed the pain and grafted in His unconditional love. He was there...the WHOLE time...when I was little. I love my parents. They're human...and in their human-ness they were broken & battered. They made mistakes in parenting my sister and me...just like ALL THE REST OF US...INCLUDING ME...so you won't see me pointing a finger in judgement toward them. I have forgiven them & love them just as Christ has forgiven me & loves me ~ unconditionally.
God (and my counselor) have shown me that I've walked the valleys so that I can be prepared for 'such a time as this' and be able to help others. God knows my heart is willing to go and do whatever He needs me to. It's my belief that He wants me to be a beacon (a light) to women who are hurting...who may have gone through (or going through) some of the things I have. I will leave it to Him to show me how.
I've been asked to speak at a church conference soon (Feb. 19) in Rexford, Kansas on 'Concepts of Women's Ministry.' I have been praying for God's Hand to lead me in speaking what He wants. And I've been given a scripture that I will cling to while in preparation for 'such a time as this' (Esther). I will leave it here & ask if you'll pray for me, too....
(Luke 12:12)
keep the faith, sweet friend
~love, karen